Simple Application Framework
Doc/License.GPL.doxy | |
Saf/App.h [code] | Application entry point macro. |
Saf/ArgumentException.h [code] | Generic exception class for invalid method arguments. |
Saf/ArgumentNullException.h [code] | Argument is a null pointer exception class. |
Saf/Core.h [code] | Core macros (DLL export, etc.) |
Saf/Exception.h [code] | Generic exception class. |
Saf/IndexOutOfRangeException.h [code] | Index out of range exception class. |
Saf/InvalidCastException.h [code] | Invalid type cast exception class. |
Saf/InvalidOperationException.h [code] | Invalid operation exception class. |
Saf/NotImplementedException.h [code] | Not implemented exception class. |
Saf/OutOfMemoryException.h [code] | Out of memory exception class. |
Saf/OverflowException.h [code] | Overflow exception class. |
Saf/Platform.h [code] | Compiler, OS and architecture detection macros. |
Saf/Ref.h [code] | Reference and const reference wrappers. |
Saf/SourceLocation.h [code] | Source location descriptor. |
Saf/Type.h [code] | Basic type definitions. |
Saf/Algo/Adaptors.h [code] | |
Saf/Algo/Basic.h [code] | Basic and commonly used functors. |
Saf/Algo/Bind.h [code] | Function argument binding. |
Saf/Algo/Bits.h [code] | |
Saf/Algo/Function.h [code] | Basic function types. |
Saf/Algo/Hash.cpp | Generic hash functor for basic data types. |
Saf/Algo/Hash.h [code] | Generic hash functor for basic data types. |
Saf/Algo/Predicate.h [code] | Basic predicate functors. |
Saf/Algo/Range.h [code] | Algorithms and functions that execute on a range of elements. |
Saf/Algo/Selector.h [code] | Selector functors. |
Saf/Algo/Swap.h [code] | Swap function that can be type-specialized. |
Saf/Algo/Selection/Median.h [code] | Median algorithm. |
Saf/Algo/Selection/MinMax.h [code] | Algorithms for finding minimum and maximum values. |
Saf/Algo/Selection/Range/MinMax.h [code] | Find minimum and maximum in a range. |
Saf/Algo/Sort/BubbleSort.h [code] | Bubble sort algorithm. |
Saf/Algo/Sort/Default.h [code] | Default sorting algorithms. |
Saf/Algo/Sort/HeapSort.h [code] | Heap sort algorithm. |
Saf/Algo/Sort/InsertionSort.h [code] | Insertion sort algorithm. |
Saf/Algo/Sort/IntroSort.h [code] | Introspective sorting algorithm. |
Saf/Algo/Sort/MergeSort.h [code] | Mergesort sorting algorithm. |
Saf/Algo/Sort/QuickSort.h [code] | Quicksort sorting algorithm. |
Saf/Algo/Sort/SortInternal.h [code] | Internal and auxiliary algorithms for sorting routines. |
Saf/Algo/Struct/HashTable.h [code] | Generic hash table implementation. |
Saf/Algo/Struct/HashTablePolicy.cpp | Hash table resizing policies. |
Saf/Algo/Struct/HashTablePolicy.h [code] | Hash table resizing policies. |
Saf/Algo/Struct/Heap.h [code] | The heap data structure and related operations. |
Saf/Algo/Struct/RedBlackTree.h [code] | Generic red/black tree implementation. |
Saf/Collection/Array.h [code] | Semi-dynamic multi-dimensional array of values. |
Saf/Collection/Bitset.h [code] | |
Saf/Collection/Deque.h [code] | Double-ended queue container. |
Saf/Collection/DynArray.h [code] | Dynamic array class. |
Saf/Collection/ForwardList.h [code] | Singly-linked list container. |
Saf/Collection/HashMap.h [code] | Unordered associative data container. |
Saf/Collection/HashSet.h [code] | Unordered set container. |
Saf/Collection/List.h [code] | Doubly-linked list container. |
Saf/Collection/Pair.h [code] | A pair of values which may be of different data type. |
Saf/Collection/PriorityQueue.h [code] | Priority queue container. |
Saf/Collection/Queue.h [code] | First-in first-out queue container. |
Saf/Collection/RingBuffer.h [code] | |
Saf/Collection/Stack.h [code] | Last-in first-out stack container. |
Saf/Collection/StaticArray.h [code] | Static array container. |
Saf/Collection/TreeMap.h [code] | Ordered associative data container. |
Saf/Collection/TreeSet.h [code] | Ordered set container. |
Saf/Collection/Triplet.h [code] | A triplet of values which may be of different data type. |
Saf/Collection/Tuple.h [code] | Tuple container. |
Saf/Globalization/Lang.cpp | String language translation tables. |
Saf/Globalization/Lang.h [code] | String language translation tables. |
Saf/Math/Basic.h [code] | Basic mathematical functions and structures. |
Saf/Math/Constant.h [code] | Mathematical constants. |
Saf/Math/ConvergenceException.h [code] | Numerical algorithm convergence failure exception. |
Saf/Math/Range.h [code] | Mathematical algorithms and functions that execute on a range of elements. |
Saf/Math/Algebra/Eigenvectors.cpp | Eigenvectors and eigenvalues decomposition routines. |
Saf/Math/Algebra/Eigenvectors.h [code] | Eigenvectors and eigenvalues decomposition routines. |
Saf/Math/Algebra/Hyperplane.h [code] | Linear algebra general N-dimensional plane class. |
Saf/Math/Algebra/Matrix.h [code] | Linear algebra matrix class. |
Saf/Math/Algebra/Number.h [code] | Common functions from number theory. |
Saf/Math/Algebra/SquareMatrix.h [code] | Square matrix class. |
Saf/Math/Algebra/Vector.h [code] | Linear algebra vector class. |
Saf/Math/Calculus/Powers.cpp | Powers and basic functions related to exponentiation. |
Saf/Math/Calculus/Powers.h [code] | Powers and basic functions related to exponentiation. |
Saf/Mem/Alloc.cpp | Memory allocation and deallocation functions |
Saf/Mem/Alloc.h [code] | Low level memory handling functions. |
Saf/Mem/ScopedPtr.h [code] | |
Saf/Mem/SharedPtr.h [code] | Shared pointer class with reference counting. |
Saf/Mem/WeakPtr.h [code] | |
Saf/System/Environment.cpp | |
Saf/System/Environment.h [code] | |
Saf/System/Version.h [code] | Version description class. |
Saf/System/Time/TimeSpan.h [code] | |
Saf/Text/Char.cpp | Unicode character class. |
Saf/Text/Char.h [code] | Unicode character class. |
Saf/Text/Format.cpp | General text formatting class. |
Saf/Text/Format.h [code] | General text formatting class. |
Saf/Text/IEncoding.h [code] | |
Saf/Text/String.cpp | String class implementation. |
Saf/Text/String.h [code] | Unicode string class. |
Saf/Type/IteratorCategory.h [code] | Iterator categories. |
Saf/Type/IteratorTraits.h [code] | Basic iterator properties. |
Saf/Type/Limits.h [code] | Numeric limits of data types. |
Saf/Type/Traits.h [code] | Basic type properties. |